Analysis of CFC ratings data 1995-2010

Home Ranking Ranking Summary Rating Distribution Rating Dist. Summary Tournaments Player Retention Tournament Winners

Database Errors Result Statistics Outstanding Performances Summary Extremes

These pages collect and display some information based on a copy of the CFC ratings database. Data covers the period Jan. 1996 to end of Sept. 2010. The goal of the pages is to mine the CFC ratings database for interesting information, particularly as to the topics of ratings inflation / deflation and membership activity.

This data analysis is an ongoing effort and additional data/analysis will be uploaded from time to time.

Analysis and opinions on this page are those of the author (Roger Patterson) only and are not those of the CFC or official in any way. Commentary and/or suggestions can be posted on ChessTalk or by contacting me at

Project 1: Rating of nth ranked player

The main page shows the top rating lists for a given date. The motivation is to track the rating of the nth ranked player as a function of time for evidence of ratings inflation / deflation.

An incidental benefit of this is the production of top ratings list which contain only those who were active at the time (i.e. in contrast to the CFC rating lists which include inactive players who are members and excludes active players who are not members)

See Ranking Summary for a summary of data obtained from these lists (# of active players versus time for each region , changes in rating of nth ranked players)

Project 2: Activity of Players

The Activity page performs queries to look at player activity for various conditions.

Project 3: Tournaments

Some queries related to number of tournaments and Tournament Directors.

Project 4: Membership Retention

Data relating to membership (or more precisely - active player) retention.

Project 5: Game and Result Statistics

Data relating to: probability of playing someone with rating x points away, actual results versus expected results, probability of draws.

Project 6: Outstanding Performances

Data relating to outstanding performances as part of an effort to identify players (especially rapidly improving juniors) whose ratings should be adjusted by more than indicated by the rating formula. Besides the Outstanding Performances page which lists extreme performances for each year, a summary of the information obtained from this and the derivation of the test statistic used is at this summary page on extreme performances.